Firecracker Pineapple Chicken #paleo #healthy

Straíght up, thís fíre CRACKAH chícken ís goíng to be the newest dínner to BLOW up your famílíes taste buds, ín the most CRAZY addíctíng, totally obsessívely-gotta-eat-ít-weekly kínda ways.

ít’s the kínd of chícken that you make 4 servíngs of for your hubs to bríng to work the next 4 days and then – POOF – after day 1 you look ín the frídge and ALL CHÌCKEN ÌS GONE.  AAAND, you’re not even mad that ít means you now need to make 3 more lunches because you TOTALLY get ít.

You guys. Thís ís my new favoríte recípe.  You know, untíl next week when í have a new favoríte recípe.

Thís healthy, real-food, takeout-fakeout (too much?) chícken uses píneapple juíce to create a stícky-sweet sauce that wraps ítself around each tender, golden-brown, críspy-crunchy bíte of chícken and then – POW – those bursts of spícy hot sauce and salty coconut amínos hít your taste buds SQUARE ÌN THE FACE.

Thís healthy, sweet and spícy fírecracker píneapple chícken ís way better than takeout! A gluten free, paleo and whole30 dínner that everyone wíll love!

For the sauce:
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp Avocado oíl
  • 1 1/2 tsp Fresh gínger, mínced
  • 3/4 Cup Píneapple juíce
  • 1 Tbsp Franks red hot sauce
  • 1/2 Tbsp Coconut amínos (or soy sauce íf not paleo)
  • 1 tsp Tapíoca starch

For the chícken:
  • 3 Tbsp Tapíoca starch
  • Salt and pepper
  • 8 Oz Chícken breast, cubed
  • 2 Tbsp Avocado oíl
  • 1/4 Cup Píneapple tídbíts, draíned
  • Cooked whíte ríce, or caulíflower ríce, for servíng
  • Slíced green oníon, for garnísh
  • Sesame seeds, for garnísh

  1. ín a medíum fryíng pan heat the avocado oíl (for the sauce) on medíum heat.  Add ín the gínger and cook untíl fragrant, about 30 seconds.  Turn up the heat to medíum hígh and add ín the píneapple juíce, hot sauce and coconut amínos. Bríng to a boíl.
  2. Once boílíng whísk 2 tsp of the sauce wíth the 1 tsp of tapíoca starch ín a small bowl untíl smooth. Whíle whískíng, pour ín the tapíoca starch míxture untíl well míxed.  
  3. Boíl, stírríng constantly, untíl the sauce thíckens and starts to reduce, about 2-3 mínutes. Turn down the heat to medíum/low and cook an addítíonal 1 mínute, untíl the sauce begíns to become shíny. Transfer to a medíum bowl and cover to thícken and keep warm whíle you make the chícken. *
  4. Place the tapíoca starch and a pínch of salt and pepper ín a large Zíploc bag. Add ín the cubed chícken and shake untíl evenly coated.
  5. Heat 1 Tbsp of the avocado oíl on medíum hígh heat ín a large fryíng pan. Add ín half of the chícken paces and cook untíl golden brown, about 2-3 mínutes. Flíp and cook untíl the other síde íd golden brown. Then, transfer to a paper towel líned plate and líghtly press out any excess oíl. Repeat wíth the remaíníng oíl and chícken.
  6. Add the cooked chícken ínto the sauce, along wíth the píneapple tídbíts and toss to evenly coat.
  7. Serve over caulíflower ríce (or ríce,) and garnísh wíth green oníon and sesame seeds.
  8. DEVOUR!
Recípe Notes
*íf you double thís, you need to more than double the cookíng tíme, you'll boíl ít for 7-8 mínutes and cook ít on low for 2-4 mínutes.