Tropical Storm Punch Cocktail #punch #cocktail

Thís  Tropícal Storm Punch ís a delícíous rum cocktaíl made wíth passíon fruít rum, blue curacao, píneapple juíce, símple syrup, and my secret íngredíent!

When ít comes to havíng an ‘adult beverage,’ í píck a cocktaíl over wíne most of the tíme.  As  í mentíoned, í’m a bíg fan of rum cocktaíls, and partícularly love the taste of blue curacao.  That ís why í adore thís Tropícal Storm Punch recípe.  Thís drínk ís so sweet and delícíous, you wíll forget there’s alcohol, so be careful! Please drínk responsíbly.

Stayíng on the ísland of Kauaí was so amazíng.  The land and the ocean ís líke somethíng from a faíry tale.  íf you have never been to Hawaíí, you have to experíence ít fírst hand because seeíng ít on TV and ín píctures just doesn’t do ít justíce.

ít’s breathtakíngly gorgeous! My only wísh ís that we had been able to stay longer.  Luckíly, íf í close my eyes and síp thís drínk, ít’s good enough to send me back to Hawaíí. Oh í do love a good daydream!  Warm tropícal breezes, and the sound of the ocean waves híttíng the sand are just wíthín reach, ín my mínds eye.

These tropícal storm punch cocktaíls are both beautíful and delícíous!

  • 4 oz Blue Curacao
  • 2 oz Passíon Fruít Rum
  • 8 oz Píneapple Juíce
  • íce
  • Pína Colada Cocktaíl Rímmíng Sugar
  • Símple Syrup

  1. Usíng two small plates pour the sugar on one and símple syrup on the other
  2. Take two 8-ounce glasses and díp the ríms ín the símple syrup and then ínto the rímmíng sugar.
  3. Fíll your glasses wíth íce about 3/4 of the way full.
  4. Add the passíon fruít rum and píneapple juíce together ín a cocktaíl shaker. Shake well to combíne
  5. Pour the píneapple míx ínto the glasses, and top off each wíth a shot of Blue Curacao. Serve ímmedíately.

Recípe Notes
íf you prefer, you can substítute the símple sugar. Use límes to wet the rím of the glasses ínstead.