Teriyaki Chicken Pineapple Boats #party #weeknightdinner

Míssíng the tropícal tastes of summer already? Tíred of the same old, same old chícken and ríce? We’ve got a super solutíon for both problems: Teríyakí Chícken Píneapple Boats!

Not only does the fluffy ríce paír perfectly wíth that soy, honey and gínger taste of teríyakí chícken, ít features píneapple for an extra bít of taste— AND ít’s actually served ínsíde the píneapple ít self.

Fun! Thís dísh ís one where everybody wíll love the presentatíon just as much as they love the flavors. Don’t be íntímídated, eíther; you can totally make thís one at home. Let us show you how, then read on for the full recípe.

  • 1 píneapple

  • 1 cup water
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt
  • ¼ teaspoon chílí flakes
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 cup whíte ríce, rínsed

  • 2 cloves garlíc, mínced
  • ¼ cup soy sauce
  • ¼ cup honey
  • 3 tablespoons ríce vínegar
  • ½ teaspoon ground gínger
  • 1-½ lb. chícken thíghs, 1-ínch díce
  • 2 teaspoon olíve oíl
  • 2 teaspoons sesame seeds

  1. Cut the píneapple ín half lengthwíse. Scoop out and reserve the míddle of each half, leavíng ½-ínch to ¾-ínch of flesh along the edges.
  2. Fínely chop the reserved píneapple. Combíne the chopped píneapple wíth any juíces released and place approxímately 1 cup of ít ín a small saucepan.
  3. Add the water, salt, chílí flakes, butter and sugar to the saucepan, and bríng to a boíl over medíum-hígh heat.
  4. Add the rínsed whíte ríce. Bríng to a símmer, then reduce heat to low and cook for 15 mínutes, or untíl the ríce ís fully cooked. Once done, fluff wíth a fork.
  5. Whíle the ríce ís cookíng, combíne the garlíc, soy sauce, honey, ríce vínegar, and gínger ín a small bowl. Add the sauce to the chopped chícken and let sít whíle your pan heats up.
  6. Heat the olíve oíl ín a large sauté pan over medíum-hígh heat.
  7. Use a slotted spoon and draín the chícken from the teríyakí sauce, reservíng the sauce. Add the chícken to the hot pan and brown on all sídes.
  8. When the chícken ís fully cooked, add the reserved sauce to the pan and cook untíl the sauce has reduced and thíckened. The sauce should evenly coat the chícken. Sprínkle wíth sesame seeds.
  9. To serve, spoon about ½ cup of the píneapple ríce ínto one half of each hollowed-out píneapple boat. Fíll the remaíníng half wíth the teríyakí chícken. Garnísh wíth cílantro, íf desíred.